El Salvador Mission Trip Saturday Update
Posted on May 29, 2010 by Buddy Champion
Had a great, rainy day in El Salvador yesterday.
We spoke at a school full of 1st – 6th graders and continued to talk about honesty and then presented the Gospel. We saw many of them come to Christ. Afterwards we went to a mall and found a Christian bookstore and bought the kids at the orphanage Bibles and books. We also bought pillows for all of them since most didn’t have one (or had an old piece of foam). We’ll be presenting all of this tomorrow to them at the church when they come over to hang out.
After shopping, we returned to the same school and spoke to high school students. We discussed the importance of sexual purity and how we should live our lives according to God’s plans, not what culture tells us. We had the opportunity to share the gospel. The teachers and faculty were very appreciative of our visit and told us to come back any time.
We have been able to share the gospel with hundreds of students this week while they are in class….that still blows our minds!
Then it was time to set up for the movie but the bottom fell out of the sky and rained the movie out. But we ended up having great fellowship with the people of Vida Nueva over dinner.
The highlight of the night was at dinner when we taught Kenneth, our 18 year old translator, how to say “waffle fries” and “Chick-fil-a.” Can you guess which adult encouraged this English lesson? After teaching him this he is definitely ready for his visit to the States!
We are excited to see what God has in store for Saturday. We will be meeting and hanging out with some of Candace’s kids from church. Tomorrow afternoon the orphans that we have made friends with will be coming to the church to play games and swim if the weather allows. Later tomorrow night we will be holding a reception for the new believers from this week. Keep praying as we continue to talk and encourage them.